Category Archives: Jiu Jitsu

From House Arrest To You

We may be inconvenienced at this time, circumstances beyond our control, impose limits in our lives, this is our reality.  No amount of worry or anger will change this, we must still stand strong, we control our mindset.  Our present situation has nothing to do with our self-discipline, just because we are not around other people is no excuse for letting chaos rule our lives.  What we do in private is just as important as our public actions.

What Are We Doing?

Do we decide on our actions based on fear?  Does the uncomfortable or not going with the crowd bother us?  Why are we not living up to our potential?  Do we keep looking for, wishing for a magic pill or solution to daily life?  What are we doing?  What steps have we taken as individuals to better our lives?

There Is No Time Like now!

Take control, don’t take what life gives us, instead we dictate what we get from life. There is no point waiting around for something to happen, its time to get out and make things happen. it’s our choice!

Self Control And Discipline Set Us Free.

How do we spend our time? What is important to us? Self-control and discipline will set us free, from the whims of immediate gratification. Our lives will never be settled until we understand this. If we never do then we just won’t find what we seek.  We know the route, the question is are we willing to take it?





This Is Our Reality

Today many of us have time if we take the easy path we will not grow, the other way will be hard, it will take self-discipline and consistency, we will not know where it will lead, but it will take us places. The way to destruction offers little resistance, the journey to achievement is rough, we will fall, we will get up and we will continue forward. Which path will you choose?

Life Has Changed

Life is not the same as yesterday, it is no longer last week, we are living in the now. We cannot treat life as before, we face it as our reality at this moment. Good or bad it is so, our energy can be wasted on complaints or we can improve on our current situation. We can build now, so that when the opportunity comes we are ready, if not we can watch as others reach their goals.

Nothing Tastes As Good As Healthy Feels

We have all the tools we need to succeed at life if we do not seek, we will never find, if we spend our time making excuses we can never do.  We all have a choice, no matter what happens in life on the way we choose to live, if we let bitterness or laziness guide us, it leads no place, but the bottom.  If we live by doing what we know is right, put all our effort into the smallest details, success, and opportunity will follow.

Our Lives AreOur Habits, Good Or Bad.

The life we have today is a combination of habits, some negative, others positive, therefore we have the power to change our reality.  When we feel something is important, we will make time for it, if we cannot, well then it’s not a priority. What could be more important than improving ourselves? Life is a  constant lesson, the less we fight it, the more we grow.

Time Wasted Or Time Well Spent?

Each new day gives us a set amount of time to accomplish what we must.  It is how we spend that time that is important. Time wasted placing blame for our own failures is time thrown away, yes we all fail, but giving it more energy will not help or lessen the sting.  We can instead ask ourselves why our results were not satisfactory, what was our part and how can we rectify the problem. There is no easy way, no magic pill, no life hack, it takes time, work, and lessons learned to achieve happiness.

Gut Buster 2020 Motivation

We all have the strength to reach our goals, it is always with us, what we do with it is up to us. It can be spent on dead-end ventures that bring us down or on actions that will carry us forward.  Improvement comes with consistency, we may not see it daily, but each day brings us more time to get it right.  Our reality will be the course we decide to follow.