Author Archives: dog.

Freedom is not Free





Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness… often attributed incorrectly to the Constitution, they are the famous words found in the Declaration of Independence.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

You are free to choose how you spend your time, where you live, what you read, the words you speak, and the future you work towards.  There are no hordes of barbarians at your gates, no wild beasts hunting you, you don’t have to spend your days gathering and hunting for your meals.  If you believe you are being held down by some force, then you are – you will be holding yourself back.

So where is your time spent?  This is where the small steps and freedom of choice come into play daily our lives. Will you watch a tv drama, a sports game, or go to the gym?  We can spend our time on distractions or we can better ourselves and those around us. Exercise will make you feel better physically and mentally.  If you feel better, those around you will notice and be inspired.  Lead by example.  Will you spend an hour on Facebook or pick up a book and feed your mind?

Liberty, wrote Thomas Jefferson, is “unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others.”  We are all given the right to do as we choose, as long as it does not infringe on others.   

Many people confuse unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as the right to be cared for and have our needs met for us.  Our needs being met is not something we are owed by being born.  We have the freedom to choose how we meet them through our decisions and how we spend our time.

Government was never intended to take care of our needs – that is what we are intended to use our freedom to accomplish.  That and so much more! The beauty of life in our day is that meeting needs is just the beginning, the limit is the limit of your dreams and your hard work.

Very few people living in the United States understand this concept. Many people would prefer for the government to be our surrogate parents, taking care of us from the cradle to the grave.  That has become a big pattern of this world.  Paul writes in Romans that as Christians we are not to be conformed to the patterns of our world, but instead we should renew our minds, take care of our bodies, and seek God’s will.  Are you renewing your mind? Taking care of your Body?  Is your goal, as Paul instructs, to find and follow God’s will for your life?

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

A Desert Adventure (by Dog)

I’ve seen a lot in the last week. A huge poodle, the three cats and a skunk out my picture window. I’ve also been watching my owners closely and more stuff has been disappearing. They took bags of clothes out of the spare room closet.  Then two chairs and a small table thing I used to hide my squeaky toys under was the next to go.

I’ve been kind of lazy because the weather has been cold (under 70 degrees!) and hazy.  Unless the sun is shining warm, I like to lounge on the couch.  Its a real treat when they turn on the heater box in the bedroom, and I curl up as close as I can get without burning my fur.

All last weekend these two stayed home and tore apart the house.  I don’t like it when they make messes, that is usually my job when they are not home.  I like them around to feed me, hike me and tickle me, but not ALL day for three days.

Last Monday started off real strange. My owner woke up and his regular 4am time and sat in front of his computer.  I was watching him, waiting for my hike.  Then, instead of putting on his hiking boots, he started cooking my breakfast.  I was like, “Hold on there!  Aren’t we forgetting my long hike?” Then my other owner started making their breakfast and they watched the news, both things that we normally do after our hike.  He put my food in front of the tv, where I like it, but no way was I going to eat that – I need my hike!  I just sat on the couch and watched them.  Then she started tickling me and dropped some banana on my breakfast.  Hey I can’t let that yummy goodness go to waste!  Oh it was good and the rest was warm and smelled good so I ate it after all.

Then he puts his boots on, grabs his machine that beeps and heads out the door without me. I watched him through the window and then he came back.  He got my leash and we went in the car.  The ride was long, but hey, after that big meal I needed a nap.  When we got to where we were going he opened the door and it was the desert.  What a great surprise!  I love it!  Full of dirt and bugs.  Lots of rocks to hop on.  So my owner connected my leash to me so I could lead him to the digging spots.  I was extra alert so he wouldn’t get lost, but I saw a couple of the those dessert rabbits with big ears and I wanted to follow them.

Once we hiked for a couple of miles with the nice hot sun coming up, he stopped so I could relax and warm myself. He went off with his machine beeping and a small shovel.  I was snoozing but I kept my eyes on him so he wouldn’t get lost.  Every so often he would get out of my sight, and I had to get up and bark until he came back.  We had great fun.  After all that hiking and sunning he needed me to lead him back to the car.  We took a few pictures.  Once home, I needed dinner but my other owner grabbed me and put me in the tub!  I’m a Lab and I like water, but not that kind!


I’ve noticed some of the things I love disappearing around the house.  The first hint was when my owners took apart the guest bedroom bed set and put it in the living room.  When they leave for work, they have always closed the door to that room.  I used to hit the closed door with my paws until it opened.  Then it was time to mess up the clean sheets and get comfy on memory foam! Warm on cold days and cool on hot days, you cant beat it for a nap.

Some strange people came and took it away, and now my owners leave the door to the empty room open and no longer care if I go in there.  There are boxes all over and they seem busy taking pictures of things that are not me.  Very unusual.

Things seem normal because every day this week my owner took me on my 4am hike.  We saw coyotes, raccoons and ducks by the pond in the park. When I get back he cooks up my breakfast of eggs and lean chicken breast.  I have to keep my muscular physique.

My bed is still next to their bed and so is my favorite throne. My squeaky bees, squeaky bunny and two squeaky Lamb Chops are still here, so I’ll just keep my eye on these two.